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Directory Submission & Social Bookmarking Sites List for Link Building | 100+ Dofollow Sites

directory submission

Directory submission and social bookmarking website list is a method of submitting website links to search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Search engines index you’re site if you submit it to free directory submission sites.

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Free dofollow Social bookmarking websites list 2022 for lifetime backlink

100+ Dofollow Directory Submission Sites

A list of more than 100 such important do-follow web directories submissions is being given. Through this, you can increase the authority and visibility of your website.
There are many benefits of doing this. If you’re looking for some targeted traffic from these search engines then this can be a great way to do it.
Here’s how it works:
You submit your website to directories that have been approved by the search engines. Once submitted, other websites will link back to your site. When people click on those links they will come to your website.
This is reciprocal linking.
It is a win-win situation for both parties. Because the person who submits the site gets visitors from the search engine. And the search engine gets more exposure.

Step to submit site on web directories

1. Write a short description of your website (about 50 words).
3. Add related keywords to your website content.
4. Click the “Submit” button.
5. Wait for Googlebot to crawl your website.
6. Check if the website has been indexed.

Top web directories to submission sites

1. Google Search Web Submission
Google has become the number one search engine on the internet. This means that if you want your website to appear high up in the results page, then you need to submit your site to google. You can do this through a free service called google webmaster tools.
Here you can find out what keywords are searching for, how many times they clicked on your link, and much more.
2. Facebook Page Creation
Facebook is one of the biggest social media platforms today. If you have not created a Facebook page for your business yet, then you should definitely create one. A Facebook page allows you to connect with potential customers. Then you should share content, and promote your products.
3. Youtube Channel Creation
Youtube is one of the best ways to get traffic to your website. By creating a youtube channel, you can start to build a community. Engaging them in conversations about your product.
4. Bing
Bing is Microsoft’s search engine. It was launched in 2009 and is now owned by Microsoft. Bing likes Google, but they do things differently. They use their own crawler to find websites and return relevant results.
Directory submission is a process that plays an important role in search engine optimization. Site link Submission is the process of selecting a website and adding it to another. The Internet is full of thousands of lists, which can be free catalogs, paid lists, site lists or url lists.
Basically a web directory is a site that offers significant losses to other websites, services and products worldwide. We know phone references and web directories are the same but online.

Benefits of Directory Submission

Everyone wants to know why it is important to submit a link in a web directory. The benefits of listing your website are like having your product or service in the directory. If you have a business and people don’t know you have it, how can you make money?
It is very important for people to know your business and that can be done when you list your company in a web directory.

Send Details of Site for Directory Submission

Directory submission is the process of submitting information for your website to a web directory. We can easily find a list of web pages on Google and any search engines with the keyword “DIRECTORIES”.
The person submitting the site to the index will have to provide details of the site they are submitting. Generally, when submitting to any directory the details required are:
• Website URL
• Website Title
• Website category
• Website Description
• Name
• Email
In some cases, other lists may request more information. Which may be keywords, meta tags, and related links. So that their web link can be placed on the sender’s website and thus create a link.
Keywords are words associated with your mailing list. This means that if someone searches a search engine, the search results will show your site as a result of those keywords. Keywords play a very important role in many web directories. They contain information for thousands of keyword searches is a quick way for a user to find what they are looking for.

Submission Acceptance

Once your website has been submitted to a web directory, it allows you to submit your directory. If your website complies with all 3 of these terms you will definitely be accepted.
There are a few guidelines that take less time to target your websites. Some lists may take up to 6 months for FREE listing. With paid directions, they take less time to display your list. It’s depending on the time frame specified when the payment is done.

Back Links

When a webmaster accepts your site to be listed in his or her web directory, you usually receive an email. Once listed your site, should appear in search engines and it will register as the backlink for that site.
The backlink is a website that links to another website. Background links are critical to the success of websites. The more you do this, the more likely you are to get your product/service and more opportunity to sell online.

Bringing More Success

If you want to be successful and have returning customers, you need thousands of backlinks.
Google and other search engines rank websites higher in their search results if you have many back links.
If you think it takes 5 minutes to create a single directory. And you want to submit your website to 1000 directories. That works 5000 minutes of your time spent accomplishing this, an 83.3 hour accuracy. Now posting a directory seems to be too time-consuming to help you with your sales and travel needs.
What if I told you that someone else could make your list, and keep you 83 hours of your life, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your website.
I think everyone can jump at that opportunity. Now, what about 83 hours? I personally value my time at $ 20 p / h. That would be worth the $ 1660 of my time spent directing the guide and finding links back to my website.
This is where the transfer service comes in handy. There are many online companies. That offer mail delivery that allows you to save your time and money and offer these services at very low prices.
Do not be discouraged by the low cost of time-saving software. It also provides an effective and efficient way to get your website embedded in web documents across the Internet.

List of Free Directory Submission Sites

S.No.List of Web DirectoriesType of SubmissionDo FollowGoogle Index
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